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Iterative Development, What It Is, Who Needs It, and Its Advantages

  • Gaurab Soni
  • Oct 01,2024
  • 12 minutes read
Iterative Development
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Hello developers!

You don’t want to wait until it’s perfect to show anyone when you’re building an app, right?

You might not nail everything on the first try. That’s when you choose an iterative approach in custom software development.

It’s for anyone who wants to avoid that ‘oops, we missed a huge bug’ moment right before launch. It’s like showing off your project in phases, giving it a little polish, fixing stuff, and adding features as you go. 

What Is Iterative Development?

In simple terms, it’s a development approach where a project is broken down into small, manageable cycles called iterations. Each cycle involves designing, coding, testing, and reviewing. 

It’s like an oil painting, where we do the basic underpainting first, creating the basic structure of the project. Then, adding color to the painting basically improves the project.

The goal is to continuously improve based on feedback and testing after each iteration, ensuring the product evolves over time. So, you’re not building everything at once but improving the website in stages. That’s the catch of iterative methods in custom software development—building, testing, refining, and repeating.

Let’s Understand With a Real-Life E-Commerce Website

Let’s say you’re developing an e-commerce website. Instead of trying to launch the entire site at once, you focus on one feature at a time, like building the user login system first.

  • First Iteration: Start with a basic login page. Users can sign up and log in, simple stuff. After you finish this, you test it with a small group of users, get feedback, and see what works.
  • Second Iteration: Now, based on that feedback, you refine the login system. Maybe users want social login options (Google or Facebook). So, you add that in the next iteration.
  • Third Iteration: Once the login is solid, you move on to product listings. You build the basic product pages with images, descriptions, and prices. Again, you test it, get feedback, and refine it in the next iteration.

And this cycle continues until you’ve got a fully functional e-commerce website with features like a shopping cart, checkout, payment gateways, and so on.

6 Phases of Iterative Development

Data Collection, Planning & Analyzing 

Every great project starts with solid research and planning. We begin by gathering all the data we need to understand the project. This is where we analyze the requirements, identify user needs, and plan the iterations.

  • Data collection helps us understand what users want.
  • Planning sets up the overall roadmap.
  • Analysis digs into the specifics so we can make informed decisions moving forward.
  • This phase is crucial because it lays the foundation for the entire project.

Designing the Solution

Once we know what the project needs, it’s time to design the solution. This is where the creative and technical aspects come together.

  • We design wireframes and mockups to visualize how the product will look and feel.
  • These designs act as blueprints that guide the development.

The best part? Since it’s iterative, designs can evolve with each cycle, ensuring we’re always on track to meet user expectations.

Fabricating the Technical Architecture

Now comes the fun part: coding! In this phase, the technical architecture is built, and developers start working on the core features of the product.

  • We build and code each piece based on the previous phase’s design.
  • This is where the product really starts taking shape.

Since we’re iterating, the code is continuously refined in each cycle, which makes debugging and enhancements much easier.


No product is complete without thorough testing. After each iteration, the product is tested to ensure everything works as planned.

  • We run unit tests and integration tests to make sure every component functions smoothly.
  • Testing helps catch bugs early and ensures the product meets quality standards.
  • This phase is repeated multiple times, helping us deliver a reliable and functional solution.


With testing done, it’s time to deploy the product! In iterative development, this happens frequently after each iteration.

  • The product is released in small increments, providing working versions that users can interact with.
  • Each deployment gives us a chance to get feedback and improve the next iteration.

Review and Implementation

Lastly, we review the product’s performance based on user feedback and implement necessary changes.

  • We evaluate what worked, what didn’t, and what can be improved.
  • This continuous loop of review and refinement ensures the product evolves with every iteration.

Merits of Iterative Development

Now, if you’re thinking about why you should opt for iterative development, here’s the answer:

Improved Usability

One of the biggest wins with iterative development is improved usability. Since you’re constantly testing and gathering user feedback, you can tweak the product to fit better what users actually want. 

Instead of waiting until the end to see if everything works, you’re adjusting and refining as you go. 

This not only improves usability but also boosts user satisfaction. A product that’s easy to use and meets user needs will always lead to higher engagement.

Cost-Effective in the Long Run

Another advantage is that iterative development is cost-effective in the long run. Frequent testing lets you catch issues early, so you’re not dealing with massive fixes down the road. 

Plus, since you’re always aligning the product with user feedback, you avoid spending time and money on features no one actually wants. 

The process allows you to focus resources on the things that matter, ensuring a better return on investment as you build only what’s validated and needed.

Staying Current

A key benefit of this approach is that it helps in staying current. With continuous iterations and regular updates, you can easily integrate new technologies or adjust to evolving user needs. 

Instead of letting your product become outdated, you’re keeping it fresh. This adaptability prevents obsolescence and ensures your product stays relevant without needing an entire overhaul later on.

Visibility to Stakeholders

Iterative development also provides visibility to stakeholders, which is crucial in keeping everyone on the same page. With regular releases and feedback loops, stakeholders can see real, tangible progress at each stage of development. 

This transparency helps build confidence and trust, as everyone is assured that the project is moving in the right direction. 

Plus, it makes communication easier, with clear metrics and results to demonstrate how the project is evolving and adding value.

Downsides of Iterative Development

Despite a lot of perks, it can be a catch-22 for developers. Here’s why:


Iterative development can be time-consuming. Each cycle requires its own design, testing, and refinement stages, which can add up. 

Plus, the constant changes and iterations may lead to scope creep, where new features are added unexpectedly, stretching out timelines and pushing back deadlines.

Planning Challenges

Another challenge lies in planning. Since requirements can evolve with every iteration, it can be hard to stick to a long-term plan. 

This can complicate resource management and project scheduling, as you’ll need to adapt your plans constantly to reflect the latest priorities. Keeping everything organized while accommodating changes isn’t always easy.

Coordination Complexity

Coordination complexity is another downside. Managing multiple iterations and feedback cycles requires careful coordination to ensure everything works together seamlessly. 

As new features are added, integrating them with existing ones can lead to technical challenges. This is especially tricky when you’re juggling various iterations and trying to keep everything in sync.

Difficulty in Prioritizing

Prioritizing features can become a bit of a juggling act. With constant feedback and requests for new additions, it’s easy to lose focus on critical features. Balancing the need to add new elements while also improving existing ones can be tough. Keeping the focus on what’s essential without getting sidetracked by minor updates can take some serious discipline.

Who Can Benefit from Iterativity?

  • An agile team
  • Startups
  • Projects with unclear vision
  • Features to be evaluated
  • Investment projects 

Iterative vs Incremental Development

Now, if tweaking your project seems a bit overwhelming, there’s another way!

Ever wondered if your project needs more tweaks or just a bunch of small steps? Here comes incremental development. 

Iterative vs Incremental Development

Incremental Development

In incremental development, we break the product into smaller, independent sections (or increments) that we develop one at a time. It’s like painting a picture block by block. Starting from the underpainting to adding color and glazing, everything at once, but just for one part of the painting. And then we keep doing the same thing for the other parts.

Each increment you develop is functional and stands on its own. You’re not waiting until the end of the project to have something usable. Once an increment is finished, it’s ready for testing, feedback, and, if needed, deployment. The best part? Each new increment builds on the previous one, enhancing the product step by step.

Let’s say you’re working on an e-commerce website. The first increment might focus on creating user profiles and product pages. The next increment could be all about the checkout system. Each section is completed independently, but they all come together to form the full product by the end.

  • Advantages: Incremental development is fantastic for managing risk. Since you’re delivering working software with every increment, you can get early feedback and make adjustments as you go. Plus, it’s a time-saver because the work is already divided into manageable chunks. Your stakeholders are happy because they can see progress early on.
  • Disadvantages: That said, incremental development has its challenges. It requires a solid plan upfront because you need to decide which features are built and in which increments. And if you need to make changes during development, it’s harder to adapt since each increment is already set in stone.

Iterative vs. Incremental 

Both iterative and incremental methods are central to Agile methodology, but they have some key differences in how they handle development. 

Iterative focuses on improving and refining the product. You build a version of the software, get feedback, make changes, and repeat. Each iteration is like a cycle, where you’re constantly improving the product until it’s ready.

On the other hand, incremental delivers standalone sections of the product at each stage. You’re not improving the same piece over and over again; you’re adding new sections, one after the other, until the whole product is complete.

So, basically, this is the difference between iterative and incremental software development models.

AspectIncremental DevelopmentIterative Development
ProcessDelivers functional sections in sequence.Repeats development cycles, refining the same product in each iteration.
AdvantagesEfficient for risk management and provides early delivery.Focuses on constant improvement, highly flexible, and adaptable to feedback.
DisadvantagesIt requires thorough, upfront planning and is harder to adapt to changes.It can take longer to deliver a fully functional product, which is less predictable.
FocusCompleting new sections one at a time.Improving the overall product with each cycle.

Incremental-Iterative Approach: Combined Goodness

Now, what if we combine the perks of both iterative and incremental approaches?

Instead of a showdown, let’s make a wise choice to utilize the goodness of both and see what magic it can create!

Early User Feedback

One of the biggest wins with this approach is how early you can start gathering feedback. Imagine you’re rolling out a new app. Instead of waiting for the entire product to be ready, you can release smaller, functional versions—these are your incremental releases. The beauty here is that each of these versions can act like a “beta,” where users give feedback before the full-scale launch.

Reduced Risk

Nobody likes surprises in development, right? With the incremental-iterative combo, risk management is baked right in. You’re not throwing all your effort into a single final product only to discover major flaws at the end.

Enhanced Flexibility

If you’ve been in development long enough, you know that requirements always change. With this approach, that’s not a problem but actually an advantage. You’ve got the flexibility to adapt to these changes while still having a clear roadmap in place.

How the Combined Approach Works

  • Initial Planning
    • Define high-level increments with incremental releases.
    • Use iterative cycles to refine and improve each increment.
  • Development Phases
    • Release initial basic versions incrementally.
    • Gather feedback and iterate on each increment based on user input and analytics.
  • Feedback Integration
    • Apply iterative feedback to enhance functionality within each increment.
    • Continuously test and improve each section for better overall product quality.

Real-World Example

Let’s bring back the example of the e-Commerce project. Start with basic functionality (e.g., product search) and incrementally build out features (e.g., checkout, reviews) while iterating on each feature based on user feedback.

Best Practices

  • Ensure a clear vision for both increments and iterations.
  • Conduct regular tests and evaluations for each increment.
  • Be prepared to adjust the development process based on feedback and project needs.

Wrapping It Up

Iterative development is your best buddy if you want flexibility, real-time feedback, and a smooth path to a fantastic product. Your product grows, improves, and gets better over time. 

There is no grand finale where you suddenly unveil everything. Just a constant evolution that keeps you (and your users) happy. 

Perfect? Nah. Progress? Absolutely!

At Unified Infotech, we’re like the tech ninjas you didn’t know you needed! We make iterative development a breeze! We break down your project into manageable cycles, delivering functional pieces early and improving them with each iteration. 

By continuously gathering feedback and refining each phase, we ensure that your product evolves seamlessly, adapting to changing needs without a hitch.


Gaurab Soni

Assistant Manager - Digital Marketing

"Gaurab Soni, Assistant Digital Marketing Manager at Unified Infotech, excels in optimizing digital strategies. His expertise in SEO, SEM, and analytics enhances online visibility and performance, ensuring impactful campaigns and maximized ROI.”


What does iterative development mean?

Iterative development is a process where a product is built in cycles. Each cycle refines or improves parts of the product based on feedback or testing, gradually enhancing its functionality.

What is the history of iterative and incremental development?

Iterative and incremental development originated in the 1960s as a response to the limitations of the traditional "waterfall" model. It became a core part of Agile methodologies in the 1990s, helping teams refine products through cycles of feedback and improvements.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the iterative development model?

Advantages: Early user feedback, flexibility, and continuous improvements.
Disadvantages: It can be time-consuming, challenging to plan, and may lead to scope creep if not managed properly.


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